Tonight’s All-Delegation Mixer was SUPER-GREAT! A big thanks goes out to Mixer leader Elizabeth Woodard and her assistants Rachel Hart, Caroline Cryer, Harrison Gitz, and Grant Henry.
During Mixer the delegates had a chance to meet and interact with the entire delegation, not just those who are in their home groups. It is only the first night, but the delegates really embraced the LYS motto, “No Man is an Island” as they participated in some fun group bonding activities including trust exercises with complete strangers, small group discussions, and conversations with delegates from around the state on a variety of topics. With music, laughter and great conversation topics, Mixer brought the whole delegation closer and everyone walked out with at least one new friend!
For the last home group meeting of the night, the delegates are in the dorms making their costumes and roll call cheers for tomorrow. Each morning the delegation will arrive for roll call in their home groups, with their costumes on and an original cheer planned for when their group name is called. We’re ready to hear those loud and proud cheers and see those creative costumes! Come back and check out the pictures we post tomorrow to see what costumes the delegates have prepared!
Oh! And this just in: Head Table just surprised the delegates with news that they have to create a banner with their color, mascot, symbol, and theme - which they picked during home group time earlier this afternoon - on it to display all week! The Color, Mascot, Symbol, Theme competition will be judged by Head Table at the end of the week, and they will give awards to the top three. LYS loves some friendly competition!
That brings us to our first Group of the Day winners! Every day Head Table will award this high honor to the group with the most spirit that travels the best and works well together all day. The group will then receive the coveted LYS Flag (you can spot it in pictures throughout the week). The winning group is in charge of the flag until the next Group of the Day is announced the following evening, but there’s a catch! Group members often find themselves eating, cheering, and even sleeping with the flag because if they aren’t touching the flag for even one second, delegates from any other group can come and steal the flag. So Group of the Day must hold that flag closely!
Today’s winners are…
3rd Place Group of the Day: Bull Pens
2nd Place Group of the Day: Homeplates
”You are the best! Better than the rest!”
Once a group wins Group of the Day you’ll hear the other groups cheering “HEY, HEY, WHAT DO YOU SAY? LET’S TAKE THE FLAG AWAY!”
By the end of seminar, there will be a GROUP OF THE WEEK. This decision is based on the overall performance of the group in every facet of LYS life: creativity in competitions, traveling, and their respect for LSU’s campus! Although the competition can get intense, it is all part of the fun of LYS, and you will see each group grow closer and stronger as a team as the week goes along.
Now, what do we say when we leave? “HEAD ’EM UP, YEE HAW, MOVE ’EM OUT!” Can’t wait to hear those roll call cheers and see those costumes in the morning!
Parents and friends can check out “The Screamer” daily; we will update it everyday with information and pictures!