BP & Shell Encourage Leadership Through LA Youth Seminar

Last week, Shell and BP joined other corporations as sponsors of the 49th annual Louisiana Youth Seminar (LYS). LYS is a week long leadership camp for high school students held at Louisiana State University every third week of July. During the week, students participate in skill-building activities focused on leadership. Through the activities and a series of hands-on experiences, they’re encouraged to use their newly developed skills in a group setting, which aims to help them discover that leadership is more than a position or authority, but a matter of action. 


“The Louisiana Youth Seminar is grateful for the continuous support from corporations like Shell and BP. The seminar would not be possible without their longtime generosity and commitment to the program,” said Jo Pease, co-founder of the Louisiana Youth Seminar. “They are granting students the opportunity to become effective, strong leaders who will create a bright future for our state.” 


“LYS strives to keep the seminar affordable for potential high school leaders. The seminar relies on the generosity of sponsors to both underwrite the program and provide scholarships for students who may not be able to afford the tuition fee. This year, the industry companies sponsored almost 90 student participants. Both Shell and BP have served as sponsors of the program for many years, showing their unwavering commitment to the future of Louisiana. LYS 2019 had about 300 students from 125 different high schools attend. To learn more about LYS, visit their website at LouisianaYouthSeminar.org or visit their social media pages @LouisianaYouthSeminar. “